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(Document) Vulnerabilities Scanner Vuls

Détection de vulnérabilités avec Vuls

Vuls est un scanner de failles de sécurité (ou vulnérabilités) qui s'appuie sur les dictionnaires existants.

Installer comme suit :

root@local:/usr/local/www/webapp/application # pkg search vuls
vuls-                   Agentless vulnerability scanner
root@local:/usr/local/www/webapp/application # pkg inst vuls
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
pkg: py34-gobject3 has a missing dependency: py34-cairo
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:

Number of packages to be installed: 2

The process will require 28 MiB more space.
8 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/2] Fetching vuls- 100%    4 MiB 925.3kB/s    00:05
[2/2] Fetching go-cve-dictionary- 100%    3 MiB 837.8kB/s    00:04
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/2] Installing go-cve-dictionary-
===> Creating groups.
Creating group 'vuls' with gid '888'.
===> Creating users
Creating user 'vuls' with uid '888'.
[1/2] Extracting go-cve-dictionary- 100%
[2/2] Installing vuls-
[2/2] Extracting vuls- 100%
Message from go-cve-dictionary-

Congratulations, you have installed go-cve-dictionary!

go-cve-dictionary does not ship any CVE database.
To download CVEs from 2002 until present run:

for i in `seq 2002 $(date +"%Y")`; 
    do go-cve-dictionary fetchnvd -years $i; 

After download, set the permissions of the CVE databases:

chown vuls:vuls /var/db/vuls/* /var/log/vuls/*

To enable go-cve-dictionary and start:

sysrc go_cve_dictionary_enable="YES"
service go-cve-dictionary start
Message from vuls-


Vuls requires the cve.sqlite3 database provided by go-cve-dictionary

root@local:/usr/local/www/webapp/application #

Comme indiqué sur la sortie, configurer go-cve-dictionnary :


for i in `seq 2002 $(date +"%Y")`; do go-cve-dictionary fetchnvd -years $i;  done

Créer le fichier config.toml dans $HOME avec le contenu suivant :


host = "localhost"
port = "local"

Configurer les permissions :

chown vuls:vuls /var/db/vuls/* /var/log/vuls/*

Lancer au démarrage du système :

sysrc go_cve_dictionary_enable="YES"
service go-cve-dictionary start

Pour l'utiliser :

vuls scan
vuls report

Bases de données complémentaires :

  • oval.sqlite3 : https://github.com/kotakanbe/goval-dictionary#usage
  • gost.sqlite3 (Debian, RHEL CentOS) : https://github.com/knqyf263/gost#fetch-redhat
  • go-exploitdb.sqlite3 : https://github.com/mozqnet/go-exploitdb


Ce document a été publié le 2019-02-21 09:15:07. (Dernière mise à jour : 2019-04-24 13:16:05.)

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