
ipfs UnArch

Ipfs_UnArch : send your data securely over the Internet Planetary Filesystem (or Ipfs*) and retrieve it with a single command (well, in fact there are two).

Our binary clients written in C rely on the ipfs command line and GNU GPG to transparently handle key based data encryption/decryption while you send directories or files over Ipfs and retrieve them: this means point to point encryption for your file transfers and archiving, with a single file identifier to keep track of per archive.

You will have to call:

ipfs_arch to encrypt and send your data over Ipfs (takes any directory or file as a single parameter and outputs an identifier)

ipfs_unarch** to retrieve and decrypt your data from Ipfs (takes the identifier previously obtained by archiving data through ipfs_arch as a single parameter and saves it locally)

Both commands may of course be scripted and comply to current standards.


For your convenience, we bundled a basic web user interface written in Python with Flask with the ipfs_UnArch binaries: This interface may be used as a basis to write your own web application using ipfs_arch and ipfs_unarch to archive and retrieve encrypted data over ipfs.

(*) Voir IPFS

(**) And it won't overwrite any existing file!



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